Mandatory Continuing Education on Disabled Access Requirements
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Senate Bill (SB) 1608 (Chapter 549, Statutes of 2008) on September 29, 2008, requiring all California architects to complete mandatory continuing education courses on disabled access requirements as a condition of license renewal. The bill also requires licensees to provide documentation from the course provider to the California Architects Board (Board) with the renewal application. The bill was sponsored by the California Chamber of Commerce, trial lawyers association, and most disabled access groups. Below are details on the requirement.
Basic Requirements
SB 1608 requires that architects, as part of the license renewal requirements:
1. Certify on the license renewal application that s/he has completed the required coursework.
2. Provide documentation with the renewal application from the course provider indicating the course title, subjects covered, name of provider and trainer or educator, date of completion, number of hours completed, and a statement about the trainer or educator’s knowledge and experience background.
Licensees are encouraged to complete these requirements timely in order to avoid a delay in the processing of their license renewal. Licensees who fail to complete the required coursework cannot renew their license and cannot practice architecture until they have fulfilled these requirements.
For further details on the requirements, please visit this site:
Click Here
CAB Coursework Reporting Form:
!NEW! Fulfill mandatory continuing education credits for California architects with AIACC online classes. Click Here