Unfortunately your membership has lapsed, but we would like to help you reinstate your membership. Good news is you can rejoin at any time!

Your dues payment was not received by the due date.

If your membership lapsed because you did not pay your dues, please pay your invoice for the current year. If it has been more than a year since you were a member you may re-join.

Join or Re-Join Here.

If you would like to speak with a representative at the National office, please call (800) 242-3837.

You did not meet the CES requirement for the year (CES audit).

The AIA/CES Reinstatement Policy allows members who lapsed due to non-compliance to reinstate at any time. Those applying to be reinstated must earn 9 unreported LU hours. The credits can be earned at structured face-to-face events, online courses, or self-study. They do not need to be HSW credits. Once the 9 credits are earned the member would list them on the reinstatement form, and email or fax the form to Maria Sigillito fax: (202) 626-7425. Once the member is reinstated he/she is responsible for the annual 18 LU hour (8 HSW/4SD) requirement.

If you are a member of the national chapter and you would like to reach member services at the national office, please call (800) 242-3837.