Introducing capX: Building the Future of Architecture, One Experience at a Time
Enrollment is now open for the California Architectural Practice Experience (capX) Program—a new statewide initiative by the California Architectural Foundation (CAF).
capX connects architecture firms and other architectural practice settings with aspiring architects for paid internships and job shadowing, helping to shape the next generation while strengthening the profession. In its first year, capX is centering on supporting Community College students but it is open to all, including graduates and those on the experience-only path.
✔ Host an intern or job shadow participant—tailored to your firm’s needs
✔ Inspire the next generation—help students take their first steps in the profession
✔ Strengthen the pipeline—support a more diverse, prepared, and connected architectural workforce
✔ Participate even if you have an existing internship program—your current interns can help lead and host a job shadow candidate
The deadline to enroll is March 7th.
Join today and be part of the movement to make architecture more accessible across California–one experience at a time!
Learn more: